Monday 17 December 2018

The first (1) (of the new competition)

1. New Zealand was once governed as part of the territory of New South Wales and later a part of Australia.

2. It is one of the three countries in the world that has two official national anthems of equal standing.  The first is God Save the Queen and the other is God Defend New Zealand.

3. It was the first major nation to have universal suffrage. In 1893 all male and female citizens are legally allowed to vote.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey for the summer. My name is Allie and I am the cluster manager for Toki Pounamu and I will be commenting and helping you over the summer.

    Great work with your fist post for the programme.
    We live in a pretty cool place here in New Zealand and we are so lucky with so many things here.
    I really like that we have two nation anthems and they sound really neat when they are sung together at big events like the rugby or the netball.
    It is really great that we a known all over the world for our maori culture and especially the haka, which is quite often performed after the national anthems.
    Well done you have just got your first points for the start of the programme.
    Keep up the good work, I am really looking forward to reading your posts over the summer.
    Enjoy your last days at school!

    Allie :)


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