3 ml x 300 = 900 ml/0.9 l
3 ml x 60 = 180 ml/0.18 l
3 ml x 5 = 15 ml/0.015 l
Welcome to my blog. I am a student at Paparoa Range School in Dobson, Greymouth, New Zealand.
Tittle Why minecraft is important
(General statement about the topic may include a brief description)
Minecraft is an Exciting and Entertaining game
I think minecraft is a great game. Here is why I think minecraft is a great game.
(A series of statements explaining the key points)
Firstly it is Exciting and entertaining
Multiple things what you can do what you want creative and you can build things
You learn read and you can programming
A summary or comment may include a recommendation
I play on two devices, windows 10 (demo mode) and xbox 360 (all the modes except demo and hardcore). everything you need to know is on minecraft wiki.
All the devices and tapes you can go on
1.Windows 2.Mac OS 3.Linux
1.Android 2.iOS 3.Windows 10 4.Xbox One 5.Nintendo 6.Windows 10 Mobile 7.Gear VR 8.Fire OS 9.fire TV 10.Apple TV
Development versions
1.Android 2.Windows 10 3.Xbox One
New Nintendo 3DS
1.Xbox 360 2.Xbox One 3.Wii U 4.Nintendo Switch 5.PlayStation 3 6.PlayStation 4 7.PlayStation Vita